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Never download these apps or you will lose all your money

The intention is always good. Download an application because you think that it can satisfy the need that you are looking for. However, not only the meets, but in addition you are introducing a trojan in your device almost without noticing it. Then, you continue using a perfectly normal, until you realize that something is wrong: someone has accessed to your data and is trying to steal your money. You can even control the camera and microphone.

That is the goal of Roguethe last malware discovered by Check Point Research. The latter, which normally comes to our smartphones by attacks of phishingis able to impersonate the administrator and take control of the same. Then your possibilities are multiple: from access credentials to financial to steal your personal data. How? Simple. Without the user account, asks quietly to the victim the necessary permissions to give him all the power. If you don’t get to the first, will insist. This is done, you will hide to not be discovered.

We must not lose sight that this trojan horse of remote access, you can make calls, geolocalize the user, to record audio, send text messages, take screenshots, install other apps, subscribe to services premium… And worst of all, it is available on underground forums of the darknet for 29,99 dollars a month.

It is true that it is possible to remove it, but it will depend on the tenacity of the victim. Because if it is detected and proceeds to delete it, it appears on the screen the following message: “Are you sure you want to delete all your data?”. Indeed, it is false. But, what if not? For this reason, it is always better to prevent. Something that, in this particular case, consists in not download extraneous applications and that are outside the normal channels. These are some of them:

  • Shortcut name
  • AppleProtect, []
  • Axgle, [com.absolutelycold.axgle]
  • Buzz, [org.thoughtcrime.securesms]
  • Google Play Service, [com.demo.testinh]
  • Idea Security, [com.demo.testing]
  • Securit safety, [se.joscarsson.privify.spitfire]
  • Securit safety, [sc.phoenix.securit]
  • Service, [com.demo.testing]
  • Settings, [com.demo.testing]
  • Settings, [com.hawkshawspy]
  • Settings, []
  • wallpaper girls, [com.demo.testing]
  • Wifi Pasword Cracker, []

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